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Experts and policy makers for urban vegetation effects on climate and air quality: final workshop for the city of Bologna

"Tools, approaches and methods to learn about the vegetation effects on climate and air quality in Bologna", was the title of the project meeting which was an opportunity to illustrate and discuss the data made available by the IT platform developed as a part of the VEG-GAP project, which involves, in addition to Bologna, Madrid and Milan.

The final workshop of the project for the city of Bologna, held on Tuesday 7 December at the Salaborsa library, involved technicians and decision makers with the aim of providing new tools and information in order to support the design of urban plans for air quality.

More than twenty experts from different scientific departments of the University of Bologna, the Emilia-Romagna Region, the Municipality of Bologna, the Union of the Terre di Pianura Municipalities, in addition to the Institute of Biometereology IBIMET CNR and the Villa Ghigi Foundation, were present and participated actively in the morning with interesting questions and suggestions.

Marino Cavallo, for the Metropolitan city of Bologna, and Mihaela Mircea, as the project coordinator, introduced the morning and the speakers: Giuseppe Cremona (ENEA); Sandro Finardi (ARIANET); Mihaela Mircea and Massimo D’Isidoro (ENEA); Simone Mantovani and Stefania Pasetti (MEEO); Silvano Fares (CREA) and Ettore Petralia (ENEA).

VEG-GAP Project - LIFE18 PRE IT 003
Duration: December 2018 - May 2022
Total Budget: 1,666,667 Euro
European Financial Contribution: 1,000,000 Euro
Coordinated by Mihaela Mircea, ENEA (IT)