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Madrid, the 3rd VEG-GAP workshop took stock of the project

On December 22, the 3rd VEG-GAP LIFE workshop was held in Madrid. The meeting, which was held online due to the COVID situation, was attended by representatives from several municipal departments (Urban Planning, Parks and Gardens, Energy and Climate Change), the UPM University (Universidad Politecnica de Madrid) and an environmental dissemination consultant (Altekio).

The purpose of this action was to update information and assess the progress of the project to date, as well as plan the simulation that UPM will carry out on the effects on air quality and meteorology of the city's main green infrastructure projects for the coming years, including the Bosque Metropolitano, the new urban development of Madrid Nuevo Norte, and the green corridor Arco Verde.

Other topics discussed were the dissemination actions of the project that will be developed in the coming months in order to disseminate the results of the project and engage the community that has been created around this topic.

In addition, municipal representatives talked about how to implement VEG-GAP methodologies and tools in future urban plans.

Learn more about Bosque Metropolitano:

About Madrid Nuevo:

The Arco Verde project:

VEG-GAP Project - LIFE18 PRE IT 003
Duration: December 2018 - May 2022
Total Budget: 1,666,667 Euro
European Financial Contribution: 1,000,000 Euro
Coordinated by Mihaela Mircea, ENEA (IT)