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"Mettiamo radici per il futuro": one million trees already planted in Emilia-Romagna

From Piacenza to Rimini, passing through Bologna and all the large and small cities, the project "Mettiamo radici per il futuro" (“Let's put down roots for the future”), the campaign of the Emilia-Romagna Region that intends to distribute to municipalities, associations and citizens, 4.5 million trees by 2025, one for each inhabitant of Emilia-Romagna, has recently reached the quota of 1 million specimens planted in green spaces.

The goal, under the slogan "your tree is good for everyone", is to encourage the virtuous behavior of all, to build a great green corridor and face together the challenges of the climate emergency.

Leading the ranking of trees removed is Reggio Emilia, which has more than 182,700 specimens, followed by Modena with 175,700 and the capital, Bologna, with over 163 thousand plants distributed. Immediately after Parma, with almost 154 thousand specimens, Forlì-Cesena with over 126 thousand, Ravenna with 73,700, Piacenza with 47 thousand, Rimini with 46,400 plants and finally Ferrara with 41,641.

In the meantime, throughout the region, in the 22 accredited nurseries, local authorities, schools, associations and individual citizens can continue to collect the available plants free of charge.

There is a wide range of trees to choose from: most of them are autochthonous species, i.e. suited to the ecological characteristics of the place where they will be planted, whether in the plains, hills or mountains. However, there are also specimens and shrubs allochthonous, that is originating from other environments.

- All the information to join the initiative

- The video of the campaign

VEG-GAP Project - LIFE18 PRE IT 003
Duration: December 2018 - May 2022
Total Budget: 1,666,667 Euro
European Financial Contribution: 1,000,000 Euro
Coordinated by Mihaela Mircea, ENEA (IT)