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The VEG-GAP project ended with final events in Madrid at the Retiro park

On 28 and 29 April, the final events of the VEG-GAP project took place in Madrid, in the beautiful green setting of the Retiro Park. The meetings were held in presence with possibility of online connection.

On April 28, the final conference was held in the municipal cultural center "Casa de Vacas".

The day was introduced by the Director General of Sustainability and Environmental Control of the City of Madrid, Josè Amador Fernandez Viejo, which explained how the results of VEG-GAP will be used by the City of Madrid to build the metropolitan forest and by Guido De Wilt of DG ENV of the European Commission, which highlighted how the project focuses on the objectives of the European green deal and how scientific results are a stimulous for new European policies for reducing pollution.

The scientific partners presented the project results and the following spoke: M. Mircea (ENEA, coordinator), S.Finardi (ARIANET), M.D'Isidoro (ENEA), S.Mantovani (MEEO), R.Borge (UPM), S.Fares (CREA).

On 29 April, at the library, the first part of the morning was dedicated to the networking event that involved other European projects working on environmental issues for an interesting exchange of information.

Representatives of the Liquencity, Life+Respira and Madrid Compensa projects were present, while R.Borge (UPM) presented possible applications of the VEG-GAP Project to the metropolitan forest of Madrid.

In the second part of the meeting were shown applications of the platform created by the VEG-GAP project by J.M. De Andres (UPM) and S. Mantovani (MEEO).

The public, made up of both experts and citizens interested in the topic, took an active part in both days, showing curiosity about the topics covered and asking numerous questions.

In conclusion, the speeches stressed the importance of a conscious exploitation of trees by cities to implement air quality plans for reducing pollution and improving the climate, but it was reiterated that planting trees is not enough and that effective results to reduce pollution can only be achieved by reducing the emissions created by vehicular traffic in parallel.

VEG-GAP Project - LIFE18 PRE IT 003
Duration: December 2018 - May 2022
Total Budget: 1,666,667 Euro
European Financial Contribution: 1,000,000 Euro
Coordinated by Mihaela Mircea, ENEA (IT)